Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Reading into the Future

Finished my first book of the year! Eleven more to go. 

I was making my way through The Help at around 70% complete and it looked like I would finish before the end of January. Until this arrived in the mail. A book...

from the FUTURE...

Set to be published at the end of Jan, I received an advance copy of this book free from the Manic Mommies Book Club. They would be discussing it with the author on 1/18 so I wanted to finish it so I could contribute any questions for the author. Meanwhile The Help went back on hold so I could I read Little Girl Gone. The book is inspired by the story of the Jaycee Duggard kidnapping and tells it from the perspective of the partner of the kidnapper. I thought it was an interesting look at what it means to be "free". I'm not a literary reviewer and it's hard for me to criticize an author for something that I could not do. So if it's an excellent book, I'll tell everyone I know. If I had to rate it out of 5 stars, I'd give it 3.5. (If you are someone I see often and are interested in reading it, let me know and I can bring it next time I see you.) 

The Manic Mommies book club also read another of Drusilla Campbell's books, The Good Sister. The moderator Mari emailed me : "You might enjoy The Good Sister, Drusilla is a brilliant character writer… with dark dark subject matter.  I still think about this book, 18 months later." So I might have to add this one to my list... in the future. 

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