Thursday, April 19, 2012

An long-overdue update to my goal setting

It's a good thing I don't get paid to write a blog.

Number 1, I'd have to post something more often than once every 3 months.
Number 2, I'd have to make it interesting.

So I thought since I have a week off of work, I would post an update on how my goals/resolutions have been coming along....

1. Finish 12 books. 
In January, I finished The Help and Little Girl Gone.
In February, March and April I finished The Hunger Games Trilogy.
4 months down and 5 books read... I seem to be on track.  Except now I'm back to reading four books at a time. Currently in the middle of Water for Elephants, Stop Saying You're Fine, The Happiness Project and Just Let Me Lie Down.  I need to pick one and go with it.  Oh, I also read The Easy Part which is a kindle single written by a friend of my cousin Jenny and her husband Nick.  (Side note: I really don't want to be a book reviewer and I don't want to be giving recommendations or critiques about the books I read, but this one was very inspiring and definitely worth reading.  Also, go read The Hunger Games so you know what everyone is talking about.)

2. Run 7.1 miles as part of the AZ Marathon Relay.  
The relay was President's Day weekend in February.  I can say that I finished my leg of the race, however I didn't run all 7.1 miles.  I ran the first 3 as if it were a 5K, then I kinda walked 1/4 mile, ran 3/4 mile or so.  Not a great finish time and I really don't want to ever run that much again.  But I feel like I have to make another attempt at a 10K so that I can really say that I ran it rather than ran/walked/ran/walked/walked/ran/walked/ran it.

3. Attend 10 yoga classes.
Haven't been to 1 yet.  I was going to go today at 12:30, but it conflicted with me eating lunch.  I did get the class schedule so that is a step in the right direction!  Unfortunately, a lot of the beginner classes conflict my work schedule.  Except for the 5:45 am classes.  Which conflict with my sleep schedule.

4. Knit or crochet a blanket and donate it to Project Linus
Haven't started this yet.  Haven't even picked up needles or a hook since December.  I really miss it, but have been too overwhelmed with other things to start something yet.  I am going to a crochet class next week to refresh my skills and then decide if I want to crochet or knit the blanket.  I may be looking through some patterns online and posting some for my (3) readers to vote on which one I should attempt.

5. Date night every month. 
Jan- Lunch date at Chili's

Feb- Happy hour with the senior citizens at the hotel in Scottsdale with Brian, Becky and Mark.
(Not sure if that one really counts??)

March- Dinner at Chinese restaurant and seeing The Hunger Games movie!!  Bonus points to Steve: He even agreed to read the books along with me.

April- Wedding on Saturday.  Does that count?

6. Organize (label/tag/group) all of our digital photos.
I was planning on tackling some of this project this week, but am still catching up on the everyday tasks of dishes, laundry, clutter and paperwork.  Maybe tomorrow.

I do have a few more blog posts stored in my head that I would like to write.  I just need the technology that takes my thoughts and enters them as words on the computer screen automatically.  So stay tuned for some posts on My Runner's Block, Lessons I'm trying to teach my kids, What I learned from taking a week off of work and My internal battle with hiring a cleaning lady.  I know, they don't sound entirely intriguing, but like I said, until someone pays me to do this, what you see is what you get.